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Doctor's Office

  • You Don’t Know What’s Coming Through Your Doors, So Don’t Take Any Chances.

    In the Emergency Department, you must be ready for anything at any time. Half of all hospital admissions come through the ED, and what comes with them are pathogens that pose the risk of spreading throughout your hospital. With many team members responsible for cleaning and disinfection, you need products and protocols that are fast and effective. You want a product that gives you the confidence to protect the health of your patients, your department, and your entire facility.

  • When Every Second Counts, You Need Products That Keep Up!

    With the proper training and products, you can eliminate pathogens from the start and prevent infections from spreading throughout your hospital. BenzaRid disinfectant offers a ready-to-use product that quickly kills dangerous micro-organisms and harmful bacteria without harsh odors or residues. You need a product that will tirelessly keep up with the staff and the hectic work done in the ED.

  • Don't Rely On the Basics to Get You By, Expect More From Your Cleaning Product.

    The Emergency Department is constantly changing, and protocol is habitually evolving. Still, meticulous care is always a constant at your hospital. We know that your success depends on unwavering attention and vigilance. Our qualified staff are here to answer questions, assist in application issues, and offer technical support for any future needs from you or your staff.

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BenzaRid Safety Data Sheet