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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions below.

  • What is BenzaRid?

    BenzaRid is a general Hospital disinfectant that is proven to destroy Avian Influenza H1N1, H5N1 virus, MRSA, HIV / AIDS, HSV 1 & and 2, Hepatitis B & and C, and Human Coronavirus after 10 minutes of surface contact.For fungicidal performance, BenzaRid is effective on hard, non-porous surfaces with a 10-minute contact time against Candida, Albicans, & and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athlete's foot fungus/cause of Ringworm), making it the perfect option for gym mats and dojos.

  • Do I Need to Wipe Down the Areas That Have Been Sprayed?

    Treated surfaces must remain wet for at least 10 minutes and allow air drying or wipe up excess liquid. Do not breathe in the spray. After use, rinse with potable water (drinking water) on surfaces that come into contact with food. Rinsing floors is only necessary if they are to be coated with a finish or restorer.

  • How Do I Apply BenzaRid?

    Apply the undiluted solution with a brush, cloth, sponge, or mechanical spray device to thoroughly wet all surfaces to clean and disinfect them. Let stand ten minutes after application. All BenzaRid products include a spray device.

  • What Areas of My Home/Business Are Safe to Apply BenzaRid?

    This all-purpose cleaning solution is great for every home and commercial setting for executing cleaning responsibilities for a safe and germ-free environment. For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required. This formula works great on walls, floors, and other hard, non-porous surfaces such as chairs, countertops, sinks, tile, glazed porcelain, and bed frames.