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What is that Enchanting Smell?

A Break Down on Bacteria

How something smells is essential to how it is perceived by the brain. Studies have shown that 75% of emotion is triggered by smell linking to emotions and memories. When someone smells a flower, that person might catch a whiff of sweet and floral scents. Still, it might also bring back fond memories of their wedding day or working out in the garden during a balmy summer day. The smell of soil gives off an earthy aroma but might also trigger the enjoyment of an early morning hike in the woods. However, personal perception is everything when it comes to life. While some might associate a scent with some happy memory, others might associate a scent with something negative or an unhappy memory. For instance, the smell of whiteboard markers might bring back memories of standing at the front of the class, anxiously trying to figure out a math problem in front of the teacher and the entire class – while for others, the smell of whiteboard markers could bring up a feeling of pride and fond memories of after school club meetings, utilizing the whiteboard to map out the club’s plans for that day.

Understanding the psychology of smells can help a company better understand what drives customers to say yes to a large purchase or how to keep employees happy. As a business or company, you want to ensure that your building is inviting and safe so that you can make the best impression on a consumer regardless of whether it is their first time stepping into your business or the 100th. Making sure that your facility is odor-free could have a significant impact on the way that consumers perceive their surroundings. Somewhere that smells fresh, clean, and pleasant could make or break the future of your business with that consumer.

To properly understand how a smell can affect your business, it is equally important to understand where a scent comes from. Knowing how smells come about will help prevent them from taking root in your facility. It will also help your company keep the facility clean, safe, and comfortable for years. When it is understood where a foul odor comes from, there is a better chance of preventing the stink and maintaining odor control.

One of the most common reasons for an odor, good or bad, is the presence of bacteria. Bacteria are living organisms; the survival instincts of a bacterium are entirely different from those of a person or animal, but they are highly complex, and there is still much to be learned about these microscopic organisms. Within the biological makeup of these organisms, bacteria can produce various smells. The reasons for these odors have been debated throughout the scientific community. Some scientists have speculated that the odor could be a natural byproduct of the other essential processes the bacteria engage in to survive. A commonly known example is when the bacteria break down certain compounds in your sweat, creating body odor.

Another speculation for diverse aromas is that the microbes are engaged in microbial warfare against one another or an outside source. Research has even suggested that certain bacteria can use senses and give off a “scent” that warns other bacteria of danger. The bacteria give this warning by excreting a protection film around the cell or producing a gas that signals to neighbor bacteria of potential threat. A few examples of this theory in action are when you experience a thin white layer of film on your teeth before you brush them at night or when you experience bad breath in the mornings.

Bacteria can be found on virtually every surface of Earth, from the bottom of the ocean to the inside of your liver. Bacteria can be helpful but also harmful to the body when the wrong bacteria are ingested or inserted into our systems. Medical devices and implants are always cleaned and disinfected before surgery to prevent bacteria from creating a film on the device. This process ensures the patient's health during the procedure and during the healing process. Living in today's world, it is imperative that facilities be kept clean, sanitized, and disinfected to ensure consumer and employee safety. Trusting an unreliable product could leave you and others in danger, so trust a company and a product that has proven itself time and time again.

Studies and research have suggested that bacteria react differently, given the different compounds they come into contact with. Some bacteria give off a putrid odor, others give off a pleasant aroma, and some give off no odor until they come into contact with another compound.

Here are some common bacteria that you would find on your body as well as in nature:


Commonly found in soil, streptomyces is a bacterium that gives soil its familiar earthy smell by releasing chemical compounds meant to attract invertebrates to help the bacteria disperse their spores and further reproduce worldwide.

Streptococcus mutants

These bacteria live in our mouths; streptococcus mutants or S. Mutants emit a smelly gas and can lead to tooth decay or bad breath.

Staphylococcus hominins

These bacteria and their cousin Staphylococci, or staph, live on our skin and commonly do not create a smell until they encounter certain chemical compounds in our sweat. They are the #1 cause of body odor.

Corynebacterium spp.

This group of bacteria lives on our skin and the environment. It is said to give off a fruity aroma of apples or citrus.

Knowing how bacterium gives off a scent can come in handy when trying to combat a foul smell. This knowledge can propel your business into a cleaner and safer environment for your consumers and employees. Odor control is a multi-faceted process that takes time and diligence. Still, using a ready-to-use solution such as BenzaRid disinfectant can be easy to address, handle, and maintain. BenzaRid is the perfect disinfectant for removing harmful micro-organisms and odor-causing bacteria. Our disinfectant dries quickly or can be wiped away without worry because there is no lingering sticky residue.

Customers who can trust a company to take care of them are more willing to spend their money with that business. Employees who see their employers taking necessary precautions will also become more engaged and involved with their jobs. Safeguarding that your facility is sterile, disinfected, and smells fresh will guarantee the safety of all, give a great impression with each visit, and showcase your skills as an employer and attention to detail as an association. Choose BenzaRid to protect you, your employees, consumers, and those you hold dear against harmful and dangerous contagions.