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Meet Founder and CEO Bill Carlson

Published on December 29, 2020 by William Carlson

Meet Founder and CEO Bill Carlson

As a child, I was brought up in a well-traveled, natural-based, nutrition-conscious, health-focused family in rural Virginia. My passion for nature and making a change for the environment started at a very young age. As I grew so did my thirst for knowledge. Even as a young boy, I gravitated towards books and projects that involved natural health, science, biology, and environmental sustainability.

I look back with fond memories of high school when my brother and I would experiment in the after-school science lab or craft concoctions in our own home-built laboratory. When my professional career began to blossom, I leaned into the computer science field, yet I still found myself drawn to the research and development of products grounded in homeopathic practices.

Through years of trial and error, I have refined my company and structured our products with solid, naturally based ingredients. These ingredients work hard to address the issues they are meant to alleviate without leaving the user feeling wary about what is inside. Since founding this company, our products are now sold in over 24 countries worldwide. To keep up with the ever-changing world of Holistic medicine and treatments, I regularly attend conferences around the world that discuss herbalism, homeopathic practices, as well as natural and organic products. Periodically, I have been asked to speak about my years of knowledge at conferences held in Europe, Australia, South Africa, and Asia.

When the outbreak of Covid-19 first began, I knew that we needed to do something to help. One of our long-time beloved products, BenzaRid disinfectant is a natural, Hospital-Grade cleaning solution that has been tested and proven effective against the CoVid-19 Virus. With swift deliberation and diligent teamwork, we were able to pivot our team focus towards the production and distribution of our BenzaRid solution.

This powerful disinfectant eliminates pathogens, contagions, and bacteria in order to help families and businesses keep their loved ones and employees safe. Our product is FDA approved as well as EPA-Registered to give a reliable clean. Being that BenzaRid is naturally based, not only is it virtually odorless while destroying dangerous germs, our spray wipes away without a sticky residue and never leaves a harsh, lingering, chemical smell that is found in most industrial-strength cleaners.

Helping people, giving back to the community, and sharing my years of wisdom have always been a passion of mine. Through this company, I have found a more complex understanding of that deep-seated enthusiasm; this love for people and obsession for change is something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It is my hope that by offering these products and natural solutions, we are able to positively impact the lives of others and lead the charge for more companies to take steps towards a holistic, natural approach. I genuinely believe we continue to cultivate this mindset each and every day as we learn, grow, and develop as a company.

Continued Growth & Outreach

Our company continues to support humanitarian efforts in distressed regions around the world, including Haiti, Indonesia, and Africa. We show our love and support through donations of our time, products, profits, as well as donations of numerous computers to impoverished schools.

Bill Carlson

CEO & Founder Naturasil Nature's Innovation, Inc